There have been some studies conducted on how LED neon signs are perceived and noticed by people. One study by the Sign Research Foundation found that LED signs were noticed by 83% of people surveyed, with 71% of respondents recalling the message displayed on the sign.
Another study by the International Sign Association found that LED signs were the most effective type of signage in terms of driving customer traffic and increasing sales for businesses. The study found that LED signs increased sales by up to 10% for some businesses, and that 35% of people would not have discovered a business without its signage.

There have been also other studies conducted on LED neon signs. Here are a few examples:
- A study published in the International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering found that LED neon signs were preferred over traditional neon signs by consumers. The study found that consumers rated LED neon signs higher in terms of brightness, color intensity, and overall appeal.
- A study conducted by the University of Cincinnati found that LED neon signs were more visible than traditional neon signs at distances greater than 100 feet. The study found that LED neon signs were more effective at communicating their message to drivers and pedestrians, even in daylight conditions.
- A study conducted by the Illuminating Engineering Society found that LED neon signs were more energy-efficient than traditional neon signs, consuming up to 90% less energy. The study also found that LED neon signs were more durable and longer-lasting than traditional neon signs, with a lifespan of up to 100,000 hours.
- A study published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology found that LED signs were more effective at attracting attention and enhancing consumers’ perceptions of a store’s atmosphere than traditional static signs. The study also found that animated LED signs were the most effective at enhancing consumers’ perceptions of a store’s atmosphere.
- A study conducted by the American Association of Advertising Agencies found that LED signs were one of the most effective forms of outdoor advertising, with 83% of survey respondents reporting that they had noticed an LED sign in the past month.
- A study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology found that LED signs could positively influence consumers’ perceptions of a store’s credibility, quality, and value. The study found that LED signs were most effective at enhancing these perceptions when they were located at eye level and contained clear, concise messages.
These studies suggest that LED neon signs are a highly effective form of signage and advertising that can enhance consumers’ perceptions of a business’s atmosphere, credibility, and value. LED neon signs also offer unique advantages over traditional signs, such as increased visibility, energy efficiency, and customization options.